Technology for Rednecks

LOG ON: Making a wood stove hot.

LOG OFF: Too much wood on fire.

MONITOR: Keep's an eye on the wood stove.

DOWNLOAD: Gotten the fatwood oaf's the truck.

MEGA HERTZ: When your not cheerful gotten the fatwood.

FLOPPY DISK: Watch get from trying at tote too much fatwood.

RAM: That thing what splits the fatwood.

HARD DRIVE: Gotten home in the wintertime.

WINDOWS: What to shut when it cold outside.

SCREEN: What to shut when it's black fly season.

BYTE: What deem dang fleas do.

CHIP: Munchies far the TV.

MICRO CHIP: Whets in the bottom of the munchies bag.

MODEM: Watch do in the hay fields.

DOT MATRIX: Ole Dan Matrix's wife.

LAP TOP: Whir the kitty sleeps.

KEYBOARD: Whir you hang deem dang truck keys.

SOFTWARE: Dem dang plastic forks and knives.

MOUSE: What eats the grain in the barn.

MOUSE PAD: That's hippie talk far whir the mouse lives.

MAINFRAME: Holds up the barn roof.

PORT: Fancy flatlander wine.

ENTER: Northerner talk far "C'mon in y'all'.

CLICK: What yaw hear when yaw cock your gun.

DOUBLE CLICK: When you cock the double barrel.

REBOOT: What yaw haft do right before bedtime, when yaw haft go to the

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