More You Might be a Redneck If...

1. You take your dog for a walk and you use the same tree.

2. You can entertain your self for more then a hour with a

3. Your property has been mistaken for a recycling center.

4. Your boat has not left your driveway for 15 years.

5. You rather burn your lawn then mow it.

6. The Salvation Army declines your mattress.

7. Your entire family sat around waiting for a call from the
governor to spare a loved one.

8. Your grandma has ammo on her Christmas list.

9. Your grandpa died by peeing on a electric fence.

10. You have bathed with flea and tick soap before.

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Next: Dentist Jokes 5

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When you run out of
Using the Elevator
Redneck and his redneck wife
The neighborhood dogs are afraid
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