A blind man is standing at the corner...

A blind man is standing at the corner with his seeing eye dog waiting to cross the street, when his pooch lifts his leg and wee-weees down the side of his nice herringbone tweed trousers. The guy immediately reaches into his jacket pocket and retrieves a doggie biscuit which he starts to offer to Fido. A businessman, who is also waiting to cross the street, observes this happening and interrupts, 'Excuse me buddy, but are you aware of the fact that your dog just wee-weeed all down the leg of your pants?' 'Yes, I'm trying to break him of this dreadful habit', replies the blind man. 'Well, it's none of my business, ' says the onlooker, 'but you're not going to teach him much by rewarding him with a biscuit!' To which the blind fellow chuckles, 'Oh I'm not rewarding him. I'm just trying to find his head so I can kick his ass!'

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