Who's there?

One day a normal person was about to have a shower when she heard a knock on her door. She put on a towel and walked down and saw a clown standing there. I opened the door, then the clown said please congratulate me, I am rich. great the girl replied.

She was about to hop in the shower again. She looked out the window and saw the couple across the street at her door. She wrapped a towel around her again and opened the door. They said please congratulate us, we just got married. Great replied the girl.

Then she was gonna get in the shower again and another person at the door. She looked out the window and saw the blind man, she didn't bother putting a towel on. She opened the door, Hi, how are you/ asked the girl. Please congratulate me I just got my sight back. Nice Costume looks real said The blind man.

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