Nice Parrot

This nice old Jewish lady went decided to buy a parrot so she went to the store and bought one. The parrot seemed fine and when Friday night came, she dressed the parrot up and went to schul (temple). The parrot seemed fine but when the rabbi went to bless the congregation, the parrot screamed out, "It's fuckin cold in here!"

The woman, completely appalled, grabbed the parrot and ran out. Well, the parrot seemed fine for the next week so once again, on Friday she and the parrot got dressed up and went to schul. Like the previous week, the parrot was fine until the rabbi went to bless the congregation at which the parrot, once again, screamed out "It's fuckin cold in here!"

Once again, the lady was appalled, grabbed the parrot and ran out of temple. She decided to confront the man at the pet store to see what was going on. The clerk at the pet store said, "You gotta show the parrot who's boss so next time he does this, grab him by his legs and swing him around your head a few times. That should teach him a lesson."

That Friday night they once again got dressed up and went to schul. Like the previous two weeks, when the rabbi went to bless the congregation, the parrot screamed out, "It's fuckin cold in here!"

The lady, remembering what the clerk said, grabbed the parrot by its legs and swung it around her head a few times.

When she was done, the parrot looked at her and screamed out, "and fuckin windy too!"

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