Rabbit jokes

Rabbit and bunny jokes, puns, and riddles for children.

What did the bunny want to do when  2012/05/21
What did the bunny want to do when he grew up? Join the Hare Force. ..

Q. Did you hear the Energizer Bunny Was  2012/05/21
Q. Did you hear the Energizer Bunny Was Arrested? R. Charged With Battery!..

What do you call a dumb bunny  2012/05/21
What do you call a dumb bunny? A hare brain. ..

What did the bunny say when he only  2012/05/21
What did the bunny say when he only had thistles to eat? Thistle have to do!..

My friend is nuts. He thinks he's Bugs  2012/05/21
My friend is nuts. He thinks he's Bugs Bunny. But I'm positive he isn't. How do you ..

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